Exploring compassion, self awareness, relationships and how we humans communicate with one another, this Podcast aims to look at life through the lense of compassion, introducing you to people and practitioners who are exploring this through their work and offering you practices to try at home too.
Monday May 18, 2020
Let's Talk with Pau! - Living with compassion and honesty
Monday May 18, 2020
Monday May 18, 2020
Today's episode is a special on living with compassion and honesty and the changes this way of life has bought to my dear friend Paulina - a fellow enthusiast and learner of Compassionate Communication (AKA NVC).
In this conversation I interview and talk with Paulina about the challenges, the beauty, the curiosity and the sometimes ease sometimes discomfort that comes with walking the road of compassion and honesty in her life.
This episode is a supplementary show to the introductory series on exploring compassionate communication and is meant as a way to start introducing you to the lives and experiences of people I know and love who live with compassion in their hearts and whom inspire me and my practice to grow and evolve.
My website: www.empathart.com
Yoram Mosenzon - Mine and Paulina's Teacher: http://www.connecting2life.net/en/
Live Larson - An NVC Trainer Paulina mentions in the show: https://www.livlarsson.com/
Friday May 15, 2020
Compassionate Communication - Whats my Intention?
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
Welcome back for our 2nd episode on exploring compassionate communication.
For todays episode I am super excited to be talking with my dear friend Olivier, has been studying NVC for a few years noa and is a student with me on Yoram Mosenzon's year course for Facilitating NVC. We will be talking together and having a look at how we can check our intentions behind our actions and our words so that we can get closer to communicating with compassion towards ourselves and others.
We will then have fun wilst looking at the kinds of language that blocks connection and makes communication go sideways. And offer examples of how NVC uses 2 different voices to help us understand the beauty behind our sometimes-thorny words.
You can find out more information about my work and compassionate communication or NVC, via my website at www.empathart.com
Links from today’s show:
Book: Nonviolent Communication -- A Language of Life (Nonviolent Communication Guides)
Yoram Mosenzon, – http://www.connecting2life.net/en/videos/
Words are windows (or They’re walls) Poem By Ruth Berbermyer - https://images.app.goo.gl/5PeEKJr9FQwGJHmr5
Feelings and Needs Lists:
Feeling: https://www.cnvc.org/training/resource/feelings-inventory
Needs: https://www.cnvc.org/training/resource/needs-inventory
Saturday May 09, 2020
Exploring Compassionate Communication - An introduction, Episode 1
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Hi I’m Emma Buggy, an artist and teacher of compassionate communication and active listening.
I’ve created this podcast series for you as a way to introduce you to some of the methods that I hold dear to my heart and also to share some skills and activities that may help you to invite compassion, understanding, honesty and harmony into your lives and your relationships both with yourselves and the people you love and spend time with.
I will be exploring compassion on here through my own understanding of Nonviolent Communication By Dr Marshal Rosenberg
Today’s programme is pilot show as an introduction to a series of talks on compassionate communication, so your feedback is really appreciated as it serves my need for clarity and effectivity so that I can do my best to bring you the quality and the materials that you want to listen to.
All links or people mentioned will be posted on here and on my website : www.empathart.com where you can find more info about the work that I do with people and compassionate communication.
* Poem: "The Invitation" By Oriyah Mountain Dreamer
* CNVC - Nonviolent communication International website: www.cnvc.org
* Tracy Seed - UK / Greece based NVC trainer: www.tracyseed.com
* Marshal Rosenberg introducing NVC at an intensive training: - The video I first watched and that inspired me to learn more about NVC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7TONauJGfc&t=2851s
* Feelings and Needs Lists for doing the exercise at home:
Feeling: https://www.cnvc.org/training/resource/feelings-inventory
Needs: https://www.cnvc.org/training/resource/needs-inventory